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Lecturer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Wilton, Connecticut 




Current MIT Position:

Lecturer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, teaching

courses on innovation systems and science and technology policy in the Departments of Science Technology and Society and

Political Science. 

Senior Director, Special Projects, MIT Office of Open Learning, undertaking research and supporting projects on workforce education.

Previous MIT Position:

Director, MIT Washington Office, Office of the President of MIT (2006-2017) – The position:

-Supported MIT’s strong and historic public policy relationships with federal science and technology agencies on science and technology issues;

-Advised the MIT President and senior officials and faculty on federal science and education policy issues and legislation;

-Supported MIT’s major Policy Initiative efforts, including its campus-wide Energy Initiative, which involves energy R&D, energy education and major energy policy reports, on the “convergence” of the life, physical and engineering sciences, on advanced manufacturing, and on online higher education and learning science;

-Supported efforts to educate MIT students about the public policy process in Washington, including bringing science and technology leaders to campus and leading student education programs (“citizen scientists”) with Congress and the executive branch science agencies and teaching Science and Technology policy courses on campus;

-Managed the staff (of five, plus interns) and the programs, reports and publications of MIT’s Washington office.

Teaching Experience:

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lecturer

- From 2007-present taught course in university’s January interim (“IAP”) period, on Science and Technology Policy (known to students as “S&T Bootcamp”), an intensive non-credit and credit course over 5 consecutive days, to 30 to 40 graduate students, with approximately 20 hours of class time on the federal innovation system. 

- Taught online MOOC course developed with the MIT Office of Open Learning through MITx, offered on the edX platform, on Policy for Science Technology and Innovation, with seven classes, offered since fall 2020. Information here:

Taught semester course on Innovation Policy, 2017-2021 in the MIT Departments of Science Technology and Society and Political Science.


Prior teaching:

Johns Hopkins University - School of Advanced International Studies, 2010-2018 – Professorial Lecturer – taught course (full semester course) on energy technology policy, entitled “Policy to Drive Energy Innovation” (with Prof. Deborah Bleviss), sponsored by the SAIS Energy Resources and Environment Program, starting spring semester 2010 until 2018.

Georgetown University, 2005-2016 – adjunct faculty, taught seminar (for 3 pts., full course) at Georgetown on “Innovation Systems for Science, Technology, Energy and Health” (course with students from Georgetown’s Walsh School of Foreign Service, Science, Technology and International Affairs Department (course sponsor), Medical School Microbiology Department; and Public Policy Institute, annually, spring semester, since 2005.

George Washington University, 2007-2011 - Elliott School of International Affairs – professorial lecturer, taught 1 pt. class on “Fundamentals of Science and Technology Public Policy-Making” 2005, 2007 through 2011 (fall semesters)

National Academy Service, Boards, Science Committees, Awards:

National Academies - (served on two boards, a standing committee, and nine committees):

- National Academies National Materials and Manufacturing Board, 2021-present;

- National Academies Board on Science, Technology and Economic Policy, Innovation Policy Forum standing committee, 2015-present

- National Academies, Board on Science Education (member), 2007-2012;  

- National Academies National Materials and Manufacturing Board, Committee on Global Microelectronics, study on "Strategies to Enable Assured Access to Semiconductors for the Department of Defense" (study for DOD), 2023-2024

- National Academies, National Materials and Manufacturing Board, Committee, Committee on "DOD Engagement with it Manufacturing USA Innovation Institutes - Second Phase Study," 2020-2021 (Co-Chair of Committee)

- National Academies, National Materials and Manufacturing Board, Committee on “Strategic Long-Term Participation by DOD In Its Manufacturing Innovation Institutes,” 2018-2019 (report here:

- National Academies, Innovation Policy Forum, Committee on “ManufacturingUSARevisited:SecuringAdvancedManufacturingintheUnitedStates Workshop,” 2018-2019

- National Academies, Innovation Policy Forum, Committee on “Securing Advanced Manufacturing in the United States Workshop” 2017 (report here:

- National Academies’ Committee on “National Patterns of R&D Development Resources” (member) 2011-2012

- National Academies’ Committee on “Learning Science: Computer Games, Simulations and Education” (member) 2009-2010.

 - National Academies’ Committee on “Modernizing the Infrastructure of the NSF’s Federal Funds (R&D) Survey” (member) 2008-2009.

- National Academies’ Committee on “Exploring the Intersection of Science Education and the Development of 21st Century Skills” (member) 2008-09.

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS): Chair of the Committee on Science, Engineering and Public Policy (COSEPP)(on committee beginning 2014, named chair serving from 2017-2020)

President Obama's Advanced Manufacturing Partnership (AMP), 2011-14, MIT representative to industry-university-labor task force that recommended the network of manufacturing innovation institutes and related programs, served as a working group co-chair

Babbage Policy Forum, Cambridge Industrial Innovation Policy, Cambridge University IfM, Member, 2018-present

Polaris Council advising the federal General Accountability Office's (GAO) Science, Technology Assessment and Analytics program, starting in 2020,

The American Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU): served on Committee on the Science and Mathematics Teaching Imperative (SMTI)(2013-2017)

The Governor of Connecticut's Panel on Transportation Finance (2015-2016)

Served on the Board of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) (between 2011 and 2024)

Serves on the Advisory Council of the Mystic Seaport Museum (since 2010).

Advisor to MIT’s major studies: on “Learning Sciences and Online Learning” (2016), on “The Future Postponed, Why Declining Investment in Basic Research Threatens a U.S. Innovation Deficit” (2015); “Production in the Innovation Economy” (2 vol.’s, released, 2013 & 2014, by MIT Press), on “Convergence: The Third Revolution” (2011 and 2016 reports) and on "Work of the Future" (2018-2020) (advisory committee member).  

Georgia Tech School of Public Policy Program Review Committee, March 25-27, 2018

George Washington University Review Committees:

- Chaired the George Washington University External Review Committee on plans to establish a Science Policy Institute, final report issued June 19, 2011. 

- Served on the 4-member George Washington University Elliott School External Review Committee on the Program in International Science and Technology Policy (ISTP), final report issued August 3, 2010.


Elected a Fellow in 2011 of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Recipient of the IEEE Distinguished Public Service Award in 2007.

Invited University Lecturer/Speaker:

Delivered the annual Alan Bromley Memorial Lecture at the University of Ottawa on “Bridging Advanced Innovation to the Manufacturing Industry” on May 14, 2012

Was an invited speaker at Southern Illinois University on energy technology development (4/13/09), the Rochester Institute of Technology on energy policy (2/6/12), Carleton College on technology policy and energy (9/17-18/12), the American University in Cairo on online higher education (March 19-20, 2012), Japan’s Graduate Research Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) in Tokyo on DARPA and ARPA-E research models (April 15-16, 2013), at Japan’s GRIPS in Tokyo on with university, industry, agency and Diet Members on the DARPA research design (Feb. 24-25, 2014), the Universidad Central de Caribe (Puerto Rico) on U.S. innovation policy (March 13, 2015), Universidade de Campinas (Brazil), Forum Penses, “Innovation in Legacy Sectors – a Comparative View, U.S. and Brazil,” Campinas, Brazil (June 16-17, 2016); University of North Carolina, Annual Kenan Conference, “Technological Innovation in Legacy Sectors,” Chapel Hill, N.C. (Oct. 14, 2016); Georgia Tech School of Public Policy lecture on Advanced Manufacturing Innovation, Atlanta, Ga. (Oct. 19, 2017); National Defense University Industrial College of the Armed Forces, manufacturing program on "Advanced Manufacturing," Ft. McNair, Wash., D.C.(Feb. 2, 2018); University of Toronto Munk School of Policy, lecture on advanced manufacturing innovation,Toronto, Canada (Feb. 8, 2018), University of Texas El Paso, Conference on Disruptive Technologies and National Security, April 25, 2019, Cambridge University, The Babbage Forum, talks on Innovation in Advanced Manufacturing and Manufacturing Workforce Education, Madingsley Hall, Cambridge, UK, (Sept. 25, 2018; Sept. 26, 2019); University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Office of Professional Education and Workforce Development, April 15, 2021 (with Sanjay Sarma); Duke University Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Exploring the Foundations: Basics of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy , March 9, 2021; Stanford University Project on the Digital Economy, Workforce Education, March 8, 2021 (with Sanjay Sarma); Cambridge University Institute for Manufacturing (IfM),Workforce Education, A New Roadmap, June 2, 2021 (with Sanjay Sarma); Universidad de Concepcion Faculty of Engineering, Santiago, Chile, Summit, Manufactura Avanzada 2021, Lessons from the USA’s Experience with its Advanced Manufacturing Institutes, October 21, 2021; Cambridge University Institute for Manufacturing (IfM) Emerging Industrial Innovation Policy and Related Manufactruing Challenges in the U.S., Sept. 25, 2023.



Legislative Testimony: 

U.S House of Representatives, Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, October 26, 2021, Testimony on American Workforce Education Needs and the Defense Role in that System, 489,

U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, Testimony on the Endless Frontier Act, April 14, 2021,

UK Parliament Science and Technology Committee, Hearing on ARIA(a new ARPA-model technology agency), Testimony to the Committee, Sept. 23, 2021,

U.S. House of Represenatives, Science and Technology Committee, Hearing on Legislation (HR 364) Establishing the Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E), Testimony Before the Committee, April 26, 2007,


Columbia University, B.A. (cum laude)

Yale University Divinity School, M.A.R. (in religion)

Columbia University, School of Law, J.D

      Member, Board of Editors, Columbia Law Review

Prior Career Record: 

Legislative Director and Chief Counsel to U.S. Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut  -- (1989-2006); job included:

-     Directing the Senator’s Legislative Staff of fifteen to twenty (including legislative assistants, counsels, and fellows);

-Managing legislative policy, legislative drafting, committee activities, reports, floor action, for the Senator in all policy areas;

-Coordinating activities with the Senate Committee on Armed Services, Committee on Environment and Public Works, and Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs

-Supervising the legislative work portfolio in environment, climate change and energy, defense, foreign affairs, economic and fiscal policy, health, education and social policy areas;  

-Directly carrying out the legislative and policy initiatives in science and technology policy, economic growth policy and defense R&D;

-Running the office’s innovative Policy Fellows program;

-Supporting the office’s major legislation during the period including the Senate’s first major “cap and trade” climate change legislation, and laws establishing the Department of Homeland Security and reforming the National Intelligence System, on innovation and science and technology policy, including to implement a National Innovation Initiative (which led to the America COMPETES Act of 2007), to reconstitute the R&D systems for life science and bio-threat research, on Climate Change, and to establish  “connected science” programs for R&D in the National Institutes of Health, and to advance U.S. national energy security.        

Partner, law firm of Jenner & Block, Washington, D.C. office (large national law firm), 1985-89

Worked on transportation, corporate, real estate, and administrative law issues.

Partner, law firm of Brown & Roady, Washington, D.C., (small specialty D.C. environmental law firm), 1981-85

Worked on environmental litigation, transportation, and administrative law issues.

Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Transportation (previously, Director of Congressional Affairs, Liaison Officer),, Carter Administration -1977-80

Worked on major legislation to deregulate the railroad, aviation, and trucking sectors, Chrysler bail-out legislation, Panama Canal Treaty legislation, waterway user fee legislation, and authorizing and appropriations legislation for federal aviation, transit, and highway programs.  Recipient of two outstanding performance awards from the Secretary of Transportation.

Attorney, law firm of Steptoe & Johnson, Washington, D.C. office, 1975-77

            Worked on general litigation, antitrust, and employment law.

Law Clerk to Federal District Judge Jack B. Weinstein, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York, 1974-75

Has been a member of the Connecticut Bar, 1975; District of Columbia Bar, 1976; U.S. Supreme Court Bar, 1981 

Personal information:

Married to Janis Ann Sposato, an attorney; former senior official at the Justice Department and at the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services, DHS, and teacher; two sons, Raphael W.B. Bonvillian,  and Marcus D. Bonvillian, both in the financial sector

Books, Chapters, Recent Articles:


Pioneering Progress, American Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, to be released in the fall of 2024 by MIT Press (information at: )

Workforce Education - a New Roadmap (coauthored with Prof. Sanjay Sarma of MIT)(MIT Press 2021)(information at: )

The DARPA Model for Transformative Technologies - Perspectives on the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (coedited and coauthored with Richard Van Atta and Patrick Windham) (Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, UK 2020) (information at:

Advanced Manufacturing - The New American Innovation Policies (coauthored with Peter L. Singer) (MIT Press 2018)(information at: )

Technological Innovation in Legacy Sectors (coauthored with Distinguished Prof. Charles Weiss of Georgetown Univ.)  (Oxford University Press 2015) (summarized at:

Structuring an Energy Technology Revolution (coauthored with Distinguished Prof. Charles Weiss of Georgetown Univ.), (MIT Press 2009) (summarized at: ).

Chapters in Books:

 “Encompassing the Innovation Panoply,” Chapter 12 in The Next 75 Years if Science Policy, a special collection from Issues in Science and Technology, (Wash. DC: National Academies and Kavali Foundation 2022), 111-121.


“The Role of American Universities in Advanced Manufacturing,” Chapter 3 in Global Initiatives in Higher Education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Erma Oliver, ed.) (Johannesburg, SA: University of Johannesburg Press 2022)

"Summary of the DARPA Model," Chapter 1 in the book Vision of DARPA, Embracing Risk, Transforming Technology, Iain Mansfield and Geoffrey Owen, eds.) (PolicyExchange, Jan. 29, 2020)


"Restoring U.S. Leadership in Manufacturing," Chapter 12 in the book DayOne Project Papers (Dan Correa, ed.) (DayOne Project Jan. 23, 2020) 

“The Rise of Advanced Manufacturing in the United States”, Chapter 11 in the book The Next Production Revolution, Implications for Governments and Business (Alistair Nolan, editor) (Paris: OECD May 2017)

“Applying Innovation Policy to the U.S. Energy/Climate Challenge”, Chapter 12 in the book Delivering Energy Law and Policy in the EU and U.S. (Raphael Heffron and Gavin Little, eds.) (Edinburgh University Press 2016)  

“The Problem of Political Design in Federal Innovation Organization”, Chapter 15 in the book The Science of Science Policy (Stanford Univ. Press 2011).

“The Connected Science Model for Innovation”, chapter in National Research Council (STEP Board) book 21st Century Innovation Systems for the U.S. and Japan (National Academies Press, May 2009).

“The Once and Future DARPA” Chapter 6 in the book Blindside (Brookings Press, Francis Fukuyama, ed., 2007), 57-70


Articles/Publications (chronological order):

- "The future of open research policy should be evidence based," Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences (PNAS), July 30, 2024 (with Phillip Sharp, Amy Brand, et al)

"The Technologist - a new occupational category can both creat opportunities for workers and position the US to lead in advanced manufacturing," Issues in Science and Technology, Winter 2024

“Operation Warp Speed: Harbinger of American Industrial innovation Policies,” Science and Public Policy, 2024.

"Access to Science and Scholarship: Key questions about the Future of research Publishing" (with Phillip Sharp, et al), MIT faculty report, Nov. 30 2023.

“America’s Advanced Manufacturing Problem – and How to Fix It,” (with David Adler)  American Affairs, August 2023.


“Industrial Policies for the 21st Century: Lesson from the United States,” UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)(report), July 12, 2023. 


“Industrial Innovation Policy in the United States,” Annals of Science and Technology Policy, November 2022


“Encompassing the Innovation Panoply –…institutional architecture for federal industrial policy,” Issues in Science and Technology (Nat’l Academies journal), Winter 2022


“Community Colleges’ Roles in Building Apprenticeship Programs,” (with Steve Nelson and George Westerman) report for MassBridge, State of Massachusetts’ Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Education Program, June, 30, 2022 


“The Playbook – for workforce education at manufacturing innovation institutes,” Report for DOD ManTech, Jan. 10, 2022. 


“Emerging Industrial Policy Approaches in the United States,” ITIF, October 20, 2021


“Ensuring Manufacturing USA Reaches its Potential,” Day One Project, August 2021

"Can Online Education 'Retool' the Post-Pandemic Workforce" (with Sanjay Sarma), The OECD Forum Network, June 11, 2021

"MassBridge: Advanced Manufacturing Education Program - Benchmarking Study," (with George Westerman, Axelle Clochard and 3 others), MIT Office of Open Learning Report, April 2, 2021

"America Needs a New Workforce Education System" (with Sanjay Sarma), Issues in Science and Technology (Nat'l Academies journal), March 9, 2021

"Applying the New Educational Technologies to Meet New Workforce Education Needs" (with Sanjay Sarma), MIT Work of the Future Research Brief, October 14, 2020.

"DARPA and its ARPA-E and IARPA Clones, a unique innovation organization model," Industrial and Corporate Change (Oxford), v.27, n.5 (Oct. 1, 2018).

"Fixing an Imperfect Labor Market Information System" (with Sanjay Sarma), Issues in Science and Technology (Nat'l Academies journal), Fall 2018 (Special "Future of Work" Issue)

"The Quest for Quality Jobs" (with Sanjay Sarma), Issues in Science and Technology (Nat'l Academies journal), Fall 2018 (Special "Future of Work" Issue)

"Energy Storage for the Grid: Policy Options for Sustaining Innovation" (with David Hart and Nate Austin), MITEI Working Paper, April 2018.

"What Economist Don't Know About Manufacturing" (with Peter L. Singer), The American Interest, March 29, 1018.

“US Manufacturing Decline and the Rise of New Production Paradigms," OECD Forum and OECD Yearbook, June 6, 2017.


“Advanced Manufacturing: A New Policy Challenge”, Annals of Science and Technology Policy, v.1, n.1, March 31, 2017.


“ARPA-E on the Chopping Block,” The American Interest, Feature, March 30, 2017


“Innovation Orchards, Helping Tech Startups Scale Up,” (with Peter L. Singer), ITIF Report, March 27, 2017.

"Donald Trump Voters and the Decline of American Manufacturing", Issues in Science and Technology (Nat’l Academies journal), Summer 2016. 

“All that DARPA Can Be," The American Interest, v. 11, n. 1 (Sept. Oct. 2015) 

"Forum: DOD’s Role in Energy Innovation,” Issues in Science and Technology (Winter 2015) 10-14

“The New Model Innovation Agencies: An Overview,” Science and Public Policy (July 2014), v.41, n.4, 425-437.

 “Advanced Manufacturing Policies and Paradigms for Innovation,” Science, v. 342 (Dec. 6, 2013), 1173- 1175.

“Legacy sectors: barriers to global innovation in agriculture and energy” (with C. Weiss), Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, v. 25, no. 10 (Nov. 2013), 1189-1208.

“The Online Challenge to Higher Education,” (with S. Singer) Issues in Science and Technology Policy (Summer 2013).

“Two Revolutions in Learning” (with S. Singer), Science (Vol. 39, at 1359, March 22, 2013).

“Reinventing American Manufacturing: The Role of Innovation”, Innovations, vol. 7, no. 3 (MIT Press, special advanced manufacturing issue Summer 2012).

“ARPA-E and DARPA: Applying the DARPA model to energy innovation” (with R. VanAtta), Journal of Technology Transfer (Oct. 2011).

“Complex, Established ‘Legacy’ Sectors: The Technology Revolutions that do Not Happen” (with C. Weiss), Innovations (MIT Press, June 2011).

“Time for Climate Plan B”, Issues in Science and Technology (NAS Winter 2011)

“A New Strategy for Energy Innovation” (with J. Alic, D.  Sarewitz, and C. Weiss), Nature (July 15, 2010).

“Taking Covered Wagons East: A New Innovation Theory for Energy and Other Established Sectors” (with Charles Weiss), Innovations (MIT Press, special energy issue Fall 2009).

“Stimulating Innovation in Energy Technology” (with Charles Weiss), Issues in Science and Technology (NAS Fall 2009)

“The Innovation State”, The American Interest (July/Aug. 2009).

- reprinted in The Wave (Hi. Sci. & Tech. Council Nov. 2009 –

“Stimulating a Revolution in Sustainable Energy Technology” (with Charles Weiss), Environment (July/Aug. 2009)

“The Politics of Jobs”, Issues in Science and Technology (NAS Summer 2007)(review), 84-87.

“Power Play – The DARPA Model and U.S. Energy Policy”, The American Interest (Nov. 2006), pp. 39-48.

-  reprinted in the book Blindside in 2007, noted above

“Will the Search for New Energy Technologies Require a New R&D Mission Agency?” Bridges (July 14, 2007)

“Meeting the New Challenge to U.S. Economic Competitveness, Issues in Science and Technology,  (NAS Fall 2004), pp. 75-82  

“Science at a Crossroads” Technology in Society, Vol. 24, No. 1, Jan. 2002, pp. 27-39

   -reprinted, FASEB Journal (official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology), Vol. 16, No. 9       (     July 2002), pp. 915-921

“Homeland Security Technology – A New Federal Agency is Needed to Rapidly Develop and Deploy Technologies that will Limit Our Vulnerability to Terrorism”, Issues in Science and Technology, (with Prof. Kendra Sharp, Penn State), (NAS Winter 2001-2002), pp. 42-49. 

Selected Recent Speeches and Presentations on Science and Technology Topics:


MIT Initiative for Knowledge Innovation and Manufacturing (IKIM) - Manufacturing study group, Stumbling Toward Industrial Policy? June 17, 2021

Presentations to policymakers(agency officials, Congressional staff, think tanks, Wash. D.C., Workforce Education: A New Roadmap, June 7.9, 16, 2021 (with Sanjay Sarma),

Babbage Policy Forum, Cambridge University Institute for Manufacturing, Forums and Processes for Considering Industrial Policy – U.S. Issues, May 26, 2021

National Academies of Sciences, National Materials and Manufacturing Board, Discussion of the “Endless Frontier Act” now on the Senate Floor, May 23, 2021

Cambridge University Institute for Manufacturing (IfM),Workforce Education, A New Roadmap, June 2, 2021 (with Sanjay Sarma)

Office of Science and Technology Policy, White House, DARPA/ARPA-E Lessons for ARPA-Health (staff presentation), May 11, 2021

FM Global, Lessons for workforce training and online learning, May 12, 2021

National Academies of Science Program Officers, From Vannevar Bush’s “Endless Frontier” to the “Endless Frontier Act,” May 10 , 2021

Advanced Building Construction Collaborative, Vision and Transformation Conference, Advanced Manufacturing and the Construction Sector, April 29, 2021

MIT Industrial Liaison Program, Workforce Education, a New Roadmap, April 29, 2021 (with Sanjay Sarma)  

Science Technology Policy Institute, Workforce Education, Wash., DC, April 22, 2021

University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Office of Professional Education and Workforce Development, April 15, 2021 (with Sanjay Sarma)

MIT J-WEL World Education Lab,Workforce Education, A new roadmap, April 14, 2021

U.S. Senate Commerce Committee, Testimony on the Endless Frontier Act, April 14, 2021,

Duke University Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Exploring the Foundations: Basics of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy , March 9, 2021

Massachusetts MassBridge Project, Curriculum Committee, Preliminary Findings on Best Workforce Education Practices, March 5, 2021 (with George Westerman)

National Science Policy Network, SciPol Fellows Program, The Economic Drivers behind Science and Technology Support, March 30 2021 

Stanford University Project on the Digital Economy, Workforce Education, March 8, 2021 (with Sanjay Sarma)

Babbage Policy Forum, Cambridge University IfM, U.S. Covid-19 Response, Feb. 24, 2021

National Academy of Science, the Government, University, Industry Roundtable (GUIRR), webinar, Workforce Education, Feb. 23, 2021 (with Sanjay Sarma)



MIT Industrial Liaison Program, Better Quality Retail Jobs - the New Retail program, Workforce Education and the Retail Sector, Dec. 15, 2020 (with Sanjay Sarma) 

Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade (KIET), U.S. technology and industrial policy, Oct. 19, 2020

Open Book Publishers(Cambridge, UK), Book forum, The DARPAModel for Transformative Education, Oct. 9, 2020

UK Parliament Science and Technology Committee, Hearing on ARIA (a new ARPA agency), Testimony to the Committee, Sept. 23, 2021,

National Academies of Sciences, Innovation Policy forum and Government University and Industry Roundtable (GUIRR), webinar, Workforce Education Project Report, June 8, 2020 (with Sanjay Sarma)

Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC), annual meeting, Future of Work, Quality Jobs and Education for Advanced Manufacturing, August 20, 2020

American Assoc. for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Committee on Science Engineering and Public Policy (COSEPP), presentation on Vanevar Bush and the “Endless Frontier” – Background for the Annual AAAS Meeting, Feb. 13, 2020

MIT J-WEL World Education Lab,webinar, Workforce Education - Making it Work, Feb. 5, 2020

American Association of Community Colleges, Workforce Development Institute, annual meeting (Amelia, Fla.), Findings from the Workforce Educaiton Projet at MIT, Jan. 23, 2020



Association of Public and Landgrant Universities (APLU),Conference on Connection Credentials and Degrees in Manufacturing (with UPCEA and WorkCred), at Georgia Tech, Advanced Manufacturing and the University Role in Workforce Education, Dec. 10, 2019

MIT Work of the FutureProject,Workforce Task Force, Workforce Education Project, Dec. 4, 2019 (with Sanjay Sarma, Meghan Perdue, and Jenna Myers)

MIT J-WEL World Education LabWorkforce Learning Conference, The U.S. Workforce Education “System,” Oct. 29, 2019

MIT Work of the Future Project, presentation to faculty task force, Workforce Education, Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 3, 2019 (with Sanjay Sarma)

ARPA-E Annual Summit,Denver Colo., Deploying Energy Technologies in the U.S., July 9, 2020

Presentations to policymakers(for agency officials, Congressional staff, think tanks, Wash. D.C., Workforce Education: Challenges and Emerging Models, June 24-25, 2019 (with Sanjay Sarma) 

Columbia University 50thReunion, alumni meeting, The Energy Tech Policy Challenge for Climate, New York, June 1, 2019

Defense Department Office of Economic Adjustment, Conference on Industry Resilience Learning Community, Arlington, Va., Building a Manufacturing Workforce for tomorrow, May 9, 2019

University of Texas El Paso, Conference on Disruptive Technologies and National Security, Advanced Manufacturing: Innovation System Capabilities and Defense Technology Needs, El Paso, Texas, April 25, 2019 

DARPA Senior Staff Brief, Results of Review of the DARPA IPA Process, March 22, 2019 (with Howard Shrobe and Peter Schultz)

National Academies of Sciences, Mirzayan Fellows Program, U.S. Innovation Orgation – the Five Periods of Evolving Roles for Federal R&D Agencies, Wash., D.C., Feb. 22, 2019

Advanced Manufacturing Institutes Workforce Education Directorsmeeting, Cambridge Mass., Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Education, Feb. 6, 2019




MITx Online MOOC Course Shaping the Future of Work (Prof. Thomas Kochan), guest lecture, Future of Work – Technology Impacting the Workplace, Dec. 6, 2018

Defense Manufacturing Conference, Approaches to Innovative Manufacturing Panel, Manufacturing Decline, Advanced Manufacturing and Workforce Education, Dec. 5, 2018

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS),Leadership Seminar, Manufacturing Decline, Advanced Manufacturing and Development of Public Policy, Nov. 8, 2018 

Cambridge University, The Babage Forum, Invited Lecture on Innovation in Advanced Manufacturing, Madingsley Hall, Cambridge, UK, Sept. 26, 2018

Guanghua Leadership Institute (in collaboration with Cisco), China R&D Leaders Forum, U.S. Innovation System Organization, Washington, DC, Sept. 13, 2018

AAAS 43rdAnnual Forum on Science and Technology Policy, introduction to Panel 2, Agency Perspectives on Environment and Energy, Washington, DC, June 21, 2018

MForesight 2018 Advanced Manufacturing Summit, Translational Research Centers and the Startup Scale-up Challenge for U.S. Manufacturing, Wahsington, DC, June 13, 2018

Executive Board, Association of Public Universities and Land-Grants(APLU), The Advanced Manufacturing and Workforce Education Challenges, Washington, DC, June 13, 2018

MIT Summer Intern Program,Introduction to Innovation Organization Policy, MIT Washington Office, June 11, 2018

National Defense Industries Association, Advanced Manufacturing – New Innovaiton Models, Arlington, Va., June 11, 2018

Association of Public and Land-GrantUniversities(APLU), Forum on Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Education, Washington, DC, June 4, 2018

Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF), Forum on Energy Storage for the Grid, Washington, DC, April 26, 2018 

Gates Foundation and the German Ministry for Research and Education, Workshop on Accelerating Impact Using Mission-Directed Investments, talk on The DARPA Ruleset, Berlin, Germany, April 20, 2018

MIT Sloan School, Adam Smith Society, Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Policies, Cambridge, Mass., April 3, 2018 

STO 3rdAnnual Design and Construction Visionaries Forum, Innovation in Legacy Sectors, San Francisco, Calif., March 15, 2018

Advanced Manufacturing Institutes Workforce Education Directors, APLU Workshop, Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Education, March 9, 2018

World Bank Seminar on Finance, Competitveness and Innovation, Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Policies, the World Bank, Washington, DC, March 8, 2018

MIT Manufacturing and Innovation Course Guest Lecture, Advanced Manufacturing, Cambridge, Mass., March 6, 2018

American Association of Universities, Annual ESEP Meeting, The S&T Policy Bootcamp Model, Washington, DC, March 2, 2018

George Washington University Elliott School, Institute for International Science and Technology Policy, Advanced Manufacturing – the New Innovation Policies, Washington, DC, March 1, 2018

AAAS Annual Meeting, Reimaging the Innovation Ecosystem: Experiments to Maximize the Impact of Hard Tech, Introduction and Framing, Austin, Texas, Feb. 17, 2018

MIT Technology and Public Policy and MIT Science Policy Initiative, Vannevar Bush Lecture Series, Advanced Manufacturing – The New American Innovation Policies, Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 13, 2018

University of Toronto, Munk School of Policy Invited Lecture, Advanced Manufacturing – The New American Innovation Policies, Toronto, Canada, Feb. 8, 2018

National Defense University, Advanced Industry Study Course, Invited Lecture,Advanced Manufacturing, the New Innovation Policies, Jan. 16, 2018



Interamerican Development Bank, Riding the Digital Wave Conference, Advanced Manufacturing – An emerging model, IDB, Washington, DC, December 4, 2017

Korea University, Graduate School of Management of Technology (visiting facutly and students), Applying Innovation Models to Advanced Manufacturing, George Washington Univ. Elliott School, Nov. 7, 2017

University of Virginia, Science Policy Symposium, U.S. Innovation Organization – the Evolving Role of the Federal R&D Agencies, UVa, Charlottesville, Va. Nov. 6, 2017

The Technology Transfer Society Annual Meeting, Keynote, Advanced Manufacturing – the New Innovation Policies, George Mason University School of Public Policy, Arlington, Va., Nov. 2, 2017

National Academies Board on Science Technology and Economic Policy, Forum on Securing Advanced Manufacturing in the U.S. – the Role of Manufacturing USA, U.S. Senate Visitors Center, Washington, DC, Oct. 31, 2017

Georgia Tech School of Public Policy, Invited Lecture, Advanced Manufacturing, The New American Innovation Policies, Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 19, 2017

Raytheon Corporation, Executives Seminar on Advanced Manufacturing, Tuscon, Ariz., Oct. 3, 2017

Guanghua Leadership Institute(in collaboration with Cisco), China R&D Leader Forum, U.S. Innovation System Organization, Washington, DC, Sept. 11, 2017

MIT Academic Council (MIT president, provost deans, vice presidents and senior administrators) retreat, “Advanced Manufacturing, the Future of Work and Workforce Training, MIT, June 26, 2017

Industrial Fabrics Assoc. Leadership Forum, “Advanced Manufacturing – a New Innovation Agenda for US Production,” Williamsburg Lodge, Williamsburg, Va., May 22, 2017

National Academies, Committee on Science, Engineering, Medicine and Public Policy, “Challenges for R&D Support – Long and Short Term – and to the University Model, NAS Keck Building, Wash., DC, April 27, 2017

MIT Day of Engagement Program, “The Challenge for Federal R&D Support,” Stata Center, MIT, Cambridge, Mass., April 18, 2017

AAAS Workshop for CASE Program, Catalyzing Advocacy in S&E, “Science in Transition – The Current and Future Outlook, Arlington, Va., April 3, 2017

Univ. of Sharjah, UAE, Visiting Exec. MBA Program, “Technological Innovation in Legacy Sectors,” Georgetown Univ., Wash., DC, April 3, 2017

Cornell Univ. Energy Program Guest Lecture, “The Energy Challenge Just Got More Complicated,” Corness, Ithaca, NY, March 31, 2017

MIT Guest Lecture, MIT Class on Global Manufacturing, “Advanced Manufacturing, US Challenge and Emerging Policies,” MIT, Cambridge, Mass., March 2, 2017

AAAS Annual Meeting, S&T Policy Panel, “Science Policy in Transition – Challenges and Opportunities,” Hynes Conv. Center, Boston, Mass., Feb. 17, 2017

MIT Faculty Meeting, “Challenges Ahead and the MIT Policy Initiatives,” MIT Main Campus Rm. 250, Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 15, 2017

World Bank, Workshop on Economic Transformation, Diversification and Industrial Competitiveness, “Advanced Manufacturing: Innovation and Institutes,” World Bank, Wash., DC, Feb. 10, 2017

Senate Armed Services Committee, Committee Staff Meeting, “Advanced Manufacturing: Innovation and Institutes,” Russel Senate Office Building Committee Hearing Room, Feb. 10, 2017

National Academies, MIT Departure Reception, “Truth to Power,” NAS Const. Ave., Building Rotunda, Feb. 2, 2017

MIT, Departure Reception Talk, MIT Samberg Center, Jan 1, 2017

American Composites Manufacturing Assoc., Composites Executive Forum, “The Manufacturing Context – The Challenge and Emerging Policies,” Wash., DC, Jan. 11, 2017



Georgetown STIA Guest Lecture (Prof. V.Sivaram), “Startup Scaleup for Energy Innovation,” Wash., DC, Dec. 7, 2016

AAAS Colloquium, “Technological Innovation in Legacy Sectors,” Wash., DC, November 21, 2016

OECD and Vinnova, Conference on Smart Industry: Enabling the Next Production Revolution, “Advanced Manufacturing – The U.S. Challenge,” Stockholm, Sweden, November, 18, 2016

American Fiber Manufacturers Assoc., “The Advanced Manufacturing Context – Challenges and Emerging Policies,” Wash., DC, Oct. 20, 2016

University of North Carolina, Annual Kenan Conference, “Technological Innovation in Legacy Sectors,” Chapel Hill, NC, Oct. 14, 2016

Chinese National Development and Reform Commission, MIT/Cisco Forum, Advanced Manufacturing in the U.S.,” Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 27, 2016

MIT Academic Council, “Sequestration, Federal R&D Support and Policy Initiatives, MIT, Cambridge, Mass, Sept. 13, 2016

AAAS Webinar, “Building Opportunities for Students in Science and Technology Policy, Wash., DC, July 29, 2016

Universidade de Campinas, Forum Penses, “Innovation in Legacy Sectors – a Comparative View, U.S. and Brazil,” Campinas, Brazil, June 17, 2016

FAPESP (Research Foundation for the State of Sao Paulo) Conference on Creating Local Prosperity Through Science-Based Business Development, “The Startup Scaleup Challenge for Innovation, Sao Paulo, Brazil, June 16, 2016

ARPA-E Seminar, “The ARPA-E Model and Technology Scaleup,” Wash., DC June 6, 2016

Senate Competitiveness Caucus, forum on the Manufacturing Workforce of Tomorrow, “Universities and the Manufacturing Talent Scaleup,” U.S. Senate, May 17, 2016

The Women’s Forum (Bethesda, Md.), “Technological Innovation in Legacy Sectors,” Bethesda, Md., May 2, 2016

National Council for Advanced Manufacturing (NACFAM), “The Startup Scaleup Challenge for Advanced Manufacturing,” Annual Conference, April 28, 2016

New York State 2016 Advanced Energy Conference, Role of Policy in Energy Transitions, “The Startup Scale-up Challenge,” Javits Center, NYC, April 22, 2016

George Washington University Elliott School Science and Technology Forum, “Technological Innovation in Legacy Sectors, Wash., DC, March 29, 2016

AAAS Annual Meeting, “Technological Innovation in Legacy Sectors” (w/C.Weiss), Wash., DC, Feb. 12, 2016

MIT Science Council, “Sequestration and Federal R&D,” MIT, Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 3, 2016

Department of Energy Clean Energy Manufacturing Initiative (CEMI) Workshop, “The Innovation Orchards Concept, Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 29, 2016

NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization of Japan), “Technological Innovation in Legacy Sectors,” Wash., DC, Jan. 27 2016



Mass Insight, Leadership Conf. on Univ.-Industry Innovation Partnerships, “The Emerging Federal Landscape for Innovation Partnerships,” at MIT Sloan School, Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 8, 2015

Science and Technology Policy Institute (STPI), “Technological Innovation in Legacy Sectors,” Wash., DC, Dec. 9, 2015

MIT Workshop, Convergence- the Future of Health, “The Federal Landscape for Convergence,” Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 3, 2015

American Assoc. of Univ.’s, CFR Meeting, “Technological Innovation in Legacy Sectors,” Wash., DC, Dec. 1, 2015

Environmental Protection Agency Hosted-Discussion, “Technological Innovation in Legacy Sectors, Wash., DC, Dec. 7, 2015

Johns Hopkins SAIS Special Lecture, Energy Resources and Environment Program, “Technological Innovation in Legacy Sectors, Wash., DC, Nov. 5, 2015

Woodrow Wilson Center, “Bringing Emerging Technologies into Legacy Sectors – Examples from Europe and the US,” Oct. 28, 2015

China Central Party School and Georgetown Univ. Joint Forum, “Technological Innovation in Legacy Sectors, Georgetown, Wash., DC, Oct. 28, 2015

National Academies, Gov’t-University-Industry Research Roundtable, “Technological Innovation in Legacy Sectors, Wash., DC, Oct. 21, 2015

ITIF Forum, “Technological Innovation in Legacy Sectors,” Wash., DC, Nov. 3, 2015

George Washington Univ. Guest Lecture, Int’l S&T Cornerstone Program, “The Energy/Climate Challenge,” Wash., DC, Oct. 20, 2015

Vanderbilt Univ. STEM Policy and Advocacy Program, “US Innovation Organization – the Evolving Role of the Federal R&D Agencies, Wash., DC, Oct. 15, 2015

ITIF Forum, “Emerging Technologies – Overcoming the Barriers,” Wash., DC, Sept. 26, 2015

MIT Visiting Committee on Sponsored Research, “The Challenge of Declining Federal Research Support, MIT Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 5, 2015

Annual Atlanta Conf. on Science and Innovation, “Technological Innovation in Legacy Sectors,” Georgia Tech, Sept. 17, 2015

Cornell Univ. conf. of IvyPlus Development Leaders, “Innovation Stagnation: the Challenge of Declining Federal Research Support,” Cornell Univ., July 10, 2015.

National Academies, Air Froce Studies Board, study on Leveraging Best Practices in Research Management, “Case Study; Advanced Manufacturing, New Research Management Challenge?” Wash., DC, May 28, 2015

Guanghua Leadership Institute (and Cisco Corp.), “U.S. Innovation Organizaiton – the Evolving Role of Federal R&D Agencies,” (to Chinese R&D leadership), May 28, 2015

Production and Supply Chain Management Society, “College of Supply Chain Management” Conf., “Advanced Manufacturing – New Policy Approaches, Wash., DC, May 7, 2015

AAAS, 40th Annual Forum on Science and Technology Policy, “Advanced Manufacturing – New Innovation Models,” speech, Wash., DC, Apr. 30, 2015

Australian Growth Centre Programme delegation to the U.S., Dow Chemical Wash. Office, “MIT’s Policy Initiative Model,” Wash., DC, Apr., 23, 2015

Georgia Tech, S&T Policy Course, online lecture “Connected Science – Exploring the Federal Role,” Mar. 31, 2015   

Universidad Central de Caribe, Lecture on Science and Technology Policy: Exploring the System for R&D Support,” Sagemon, Puerto Rico, Mar. 13, 2015

Georgetown Univ, Lecture, McCourt School of Public Policy, “Climate and the Energy Technology Challenge,” Wash., DC, Mar. 13, 2014 

American Society for Engineering Education (Engineering Deans), The Clean Energy Technology Context: Advanced Manufacturing, Wash., DC, Feb. 10, 2015  

SyntheticBiology (SynBio) LEAP program, 'Coordination Across Disciplines and Agencies for U.S. Scienece," workshop, Woodrow Wilson Center Feb. 4, 2015



MIT Science Council, "Overview - the Sequestration Problem", MIT, Nov. 10, 2014 

Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development (CASTED) and Univ. of Calif. San Diego Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation (IGCC), "Improving S&T Resource Allocation - Public Entrepreneurship Mechanisms for U.S. R&D", CASTED, Beijing, China

International Conference of Science and Technology, Entrepreneurship Policy and Regulation (ISTEP), Taiwan, Public Entrepreneurship U.S. R&D Agencies in an Entrepreneurial Role," Int'l Converntion Center, Taipei, Taiwan

Federal Demonstration Partnership - Faculty Forum, "Federal R&D Trends," Wash., DC, Sept. 11, 2014

Guanghua Leadership Institute, "U.S. Innovation Organization," (China Gov't Leader Program - in cooperation with Cisco), Wash., DC, June 18, 2014

TechConnect World - Innovation Conf. & Expo, "Innovation Challenge for Advanced Manufacturing," Wash., DC, June 16, 2014 

ITIF Senate Forum, "Report - Univeristy Research Funding - Stil Lagging Behind," U.S. Senate, May 7, 2014

ASME Industry Advisory Board, Spring Meeting, "Advanced Manufacturing: Innovation Challenge," Wash., DC, April 16, 2014

Global Solutions Summit (sponsored by: Atlantic Council, State Dept., P80 Group Foundation, USAID, Global Technology Development Initiative), “Megatrend Opportunities, Challenges, Dangers," Wash;, DC, April 9, 2014  

Institute for International Education, talk to Finland educators on the MIT innovation policy model, Wash., DC, April 2, 2014

Georgetown University “Chuckfest”(innovation policy conf. honoring Prof. Charles Weiss, “Prof. Weiss’s Contributions to Innovation Policy”, Wash., DC, March 28, 2014

Georgetown McCourt School of Public Policy, “The Climate and the Energy Technology Challenge”, course lecture, Wash., DC, March 13, 2013

Atlantic Council, Conf. on Supporting Innovation to Meet Global Challenges, “Advanced Manufacturing: Innovation Challenge”, Wash., DC, Feb. 27, 2014  

Japan’s Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) lectures for senior government, industry and university officials on “ARPA-E Model and Japan’s Proposed ImPACT Innovation Agency”, Tokyo, February 25, 2013

AAAS Annual Meeting, (Adv’d Manufacturing Panelist and Moderator) “Organizing the Innovation System for Advanced Manufacturing,” Chicago, Feb. 14, 2014

Chinese Embassy, MIT Club Meeting, Historic MIT Links to China”, Wash., DC, Feb. 5, 2014

National Defense Industry Association, Manufacturing Division Meeting, “Seven Stories – Findings of the MIT Production in the Innovation Economy report,” Wash., DC, Jan. 23, 2014  

Japan Science and Technology agency (JST), senior officials visit, “ARPA-E and DARPA- Applying the DARPA Model”, Wash., DC, Jan. 21, 2014 



Shanghai Science and Technology Commission Training Group, “U.S. Innovation Organization – the Federal Government and University Roles,” Wash., DC Nov. 15, 2013

COFHE Public Issues Seminar, “MOOCs and the Online Challenge to Education,” Wash., DC, Nov. 6, 2013

MIT Corporation Visiting Committee on Sponsored Research, “Federal R&D Strategy and Engagement,” Cambridge Mass., Oct. 29, 2013

Guangha Leadership Institute, “U.S. Innovation Organization – the Evolving Role of the Federal R&D Agencies,” (meeting of senior Chinese R&D leaders), Alexandria , Va., Oct. 22, 2013

U.S. Secretary of Commerce’s Manufacturing Council, presentation to the Innovation/R&D Subcommittee, “MIT’s Production in the Innovation Economy Final Report,” (webcast) Oct. 31, 2013

Lincoln Laboratory, MIT, talk to LL Steering Committee Offsite, “The Sequestration Crisis for Federal R&D Funding, Lexington, Mass., Sept. 18, 2013

University of California San Diego, UC Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, Dialogue on Comparing U.S. and Chinese Approaches to Science Technology and innovation, talk on “The Making of Key STI Plans and Initiatives in the U.S., San Diego, August 1-2, 2013 

Japan’s Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) lecture for senior government and university officials on “The DARPA and ARPA-E Models for Innovation Agencies,” April 15-16, 2013

American University in Cairo, invited lecturer, “The Online Challenge to Education” and “History of Recent K-12 Education Reform,” New Cairo, Egypt, March 19 and 20, 2013

U.S. Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate, 10th Anniversary “All Hands” lecture, U.S. Innovation Design – Lessons from the Pipeline and Connected Models, Wash., DC, April 11, 2013

AAAS 2013 Annual Meeting, Forum on Advanced manufacturing, “The Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Challenge – Recommendations,” Boston, Mass., February 17, 2013

NACUBO, National Webinar for University leaders, “The Sequestration Crisis for Federal R&D Funding,” broadcast from Washington, D.C., Jan. 30, 2013

Task Force on American Innovation, Forum on American Exceptualism, American Decline – Research, the Knowledge Economy and the 21st Century Challenge, “The Manufacturing and Energy Challenges, ” the House of Representatives R&D Caucus, Rayburn House Office Building, Jan. 23, 2013



American Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Annual Industrial Advisory Board forum, on Advanced Manufacturing, “The Advanced Manufacturing Challenge,” Wash., D.C., Dec. 6, 2012

Johns Hopkins, Carey School of Business, lecture, “Legacy Sectors and the Challenge of Innovation,” Baltimore, Md., October 18, 2012

National Academies of Sciences, Science Technology and Economic Policy Board forum on Global Best Practice in Supporting Manufacturing, address on “Capturing Competitive Advantage in Advanced Manufacturing,” Wash., D.C., Oct. 11, 2012  

Carleton College, invited lecturer, “Energy Technology as an Innovation Systems Challenge,” Northfield, Minn., Sept. 17, 2012

Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF), launch event for “Innovation Economics, the Race for Global Advantage,” moderator and discussant on topic, National Press Club, Wash., D.C., Sept. 13, 2013

China Government Leader Program, Guanghua Leadership Institute, in collaboration with Cisco, “Federal Innovation Organization: From the Pipeline Model to DRPA and ARPA-E,” Arlington, Va., Sept. 11, 2012

Webinar, MIT Alumni Association for national alumni, “The Growing Crisis in Federal Science Funding,” broadcast from Cambridge, Mass., June 25, 2012

MIT Club, Washington D.C., “MIT and Reinventing Manufacturing,” talk to alumni group, Kenwood, Bethesda, Md., May 4, 2012

University of Ottawa, Alan Bromley Memorial Lecture,  “Bridging Advanced Innovation to the Manufacturing Industry,” May 14, 2012, Ottawa Canada

National Academy of Engineering, Committee on Identifying Production, Design and Innovation Issues in Advanced Manufacturing, NAS Keck Center, Wash., DC, Feb. 17, 2012

Rochester Institute of Technology, guest lecture, “The Organizational Challenge for Energy Technology Innovation,” Rochester, N.Y., Feb. 6, 2012

Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) Forum, “Applying the DARPA Concepts to Energy Innovation: The Emerging ARPA-E Model,” Feb. 3, 2012

National Defense University (Industrial College of the Armed Forces Lecturer), “U.S. Innovation in Advanced Manufacturing,” Feb. 2, 2012



MIT OSP Forum for Research Administrators, talk on “The Federal R&D Budget and Budget Deficits”, October 19, 2011.

National Governors Association, The “Manufacturing Academy” (for state economic development officials), talk on “The Advanced Manufacturing Partnership”, October 6, 2011.

National Defense Industries Industrial Association (NDIA), Manufacturing Division, talk on “Innovation Models in Advanced Manufacturing – the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership,” October 6, 2011.

National Governors Association, forum on “Fostering Energy Supply and Innovation”, talk on Building Innovation Ecosystems – the University Role, Sept. 27, 2011.

Woodrow Wilson International Center, Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, talk on US Innovation in Advanced Manufacturing, September 23, 2011.

Bipartisan Policy Center, Forum on “Leveraging DOD’s Energy Innovation Capacity”, talk on “ARPA-E and DARPA: Applying the DARPA Model to Energy Innovation” (given with Richard VanAtta, IDA), May 25, 2011. 

“Black Swan” Innovate to Success Conference – 2011, London, UK, talk on “Trends in US Innovation Policy – Innovating in Established Sectors vs. Open Territory,” May 9, 2011.

National Governors Association, Governor’s Energy Advisors Policy Institute, talk on “US Energy Technology Innovation?”, April 5, 2011.

American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting, Panel on “Cross Border Responses to Global Challenges”, talk on “The Energy Case Study, February 18, 2011.

Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, Forum on “Energy Innovation 101-Moving the Debate Forward”, talk on “Energy Technology Innovation – Basics of a US Policy Framework”, February 5, 2011.

Keystone Energy Conference, Keystone Colorado, talk on “Climate: Energy Technology Innovation?” February 2, 2011.

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Breakthrough Institute/Information and Innovation Foundation (ITIF), Energy Innovation 2010 Conference, talk on Clean Innovation Policy: How Do We Drive It”, December 15, 2010.

Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Conference on Defense Industrial Base and U.S. Competitiveness, talk on “Defense Leadership and the Role of Technology and Manufacturing”, November 16, 2010.

MIT Energy Club Speaker Series, talk on “Plan B for Climate and the Role of Technology Innovation”, November 1, 2011

Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF), Forum on Economic Doctrines, talk on “Innovation Economics and the Energy Technology Challenge”, October 19. 2010.

MIT Energy Initiative, External Advisory Board, talk on “The Changing Federal Role in Energy and Technology,” October 14, 2010

National Academies of Sciences, Fellows/ Alumni Fellows Dinner, keynote talk, “The Stagnating Economy and Innovation-Based Growth”, October 7, 2010

Arizona State University, “Innovation Demand Boldness” Conference, tlk on “The Next Old/New Thing – innovating in Established Sectors”, Sept. 29, 2010.

CERA (Cambridge Energy Research Associates), Conference on Climate Change and Clean Energy, Wash., D.C., talk on “Progress on the Energy Innovation System”, May 27, 2010.

National Academies of Sciences, Conference on “Building the 21st Century: U.S. China Cooperation on Science, Technology and Innovation”, discussant and moderator on: “Opportunities and Challenges for Innovation”, Wash. D.C., May 18, 2010.

Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), conference on “Game Changers and Visionaries: Role of Energy Breakthrough Technologies and Innovative Strategies”, talk on “Moving Energy Innovation to Scale”,Wash., D.C., May 12, 2010.      

Annual Science and Technology in Society Conference (S&T Global consortium, Wash., DC, at the National Academies’ Keck Center) – “Introductory Remarks - Panel on Energy and Clean Technology”, April 10, 2010

National Academies of Sciences, , Jefferson Science Fellows Convocation, “Academic scientists and Engineers in the Policy World: Functioning Outside the Box,”February 1, 2010

U.S. Department of Energy, EERE Best Practices Workshop, Keynote Speech, “Organizing an Energy Transformation”, January 26, 2010.  

American Association of Universities, Council on Federal Relations Annual Meeting, “R&D in 2010: The Falling Off a Cliff Problem and the Case for Investment”, January 11, 2010 (Naples, Fla.)

American Association for Mechanical Engineers, Industry Advisory Board, “Technological Transformation in Energy”, Dec. 2, 2009

Innovations Journal Conference: Time for Change Conference – Reframing the Conversation on Energy and Climate”, “Closing Address: Time for Change”, Nov. 24, 2009

National Academies of Sciences, The President’s Circle Conference, “A New Innovation Initiative”, Nov. 12, 2009 



National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), Forum – Toward an R&D Agenda for the New Administration and Congress,  “The Energy Technology Agenda: An Overview on Energy R&D”, March 2, 2009

MIT Corporation, “The Energy Technology Agenda in Washington”, March 6, 2009

MIT Enterprise Forum, Annual Meeting, “The Innovation Agenda in the New Administration”, April 17, 2009  

Univ. of Maryland, MIT, Harvard – Belfer Center, Duke University Nicholas School, University of Southern Illinois, Woodrow Wilson Center, “Stimulating Technological Innovation in Energy” (presentation on book with Charles Weiss), in

March and April, 2009

MIT “Ideastream” Conference, “President Obama and the Innovation Agenda”, Boston, June 9, 2009

Brookings Institution Forum, “Organizing Technological Innovation in Energy,” June 10, 2009

Deputy Ministers Program, Canada Institute, “The New Administration and the Innovation Agenda,” at the Woodrow Wilson Center, June 29, 2009

Bridging Nations Foundation Seminar, “Energy Policies of the China, India and the U.S.: Organizing Technological Innovation,” July 8, 2009

Information Technology and Innovation Foundation Forum, “Looking at Technological Innovation in Energy,” July 20, 2009

American National Standards Institute, Accelerating Energy Technology Advance,” Oct. 9, 2009

Embassy of Canada, Cleantech Canada, Forum on Pathways to Bringing Clean Energy Technologies to Market, “Accelerating Technological Innovation in Energy,” Oct. 15, 2009

MIT Corporation, Sponsored Research Visiting Comm., “Status of MIT Agency Engagement,” Oct., 28, 2009

MIT Club of Washington, “A New Round of Innovation?” Oct. 29, 2009

APPAM, Annual Conf., “Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Technology: New Policy Directions” (lead discussant on panel), Nov. 5, 2009

National Defense Industries Assoc., “The Global Innovation Context for Manufacturing Innovation,” Nov. 5, 2009

IBM Vice Presidents’ Group, “Assembling a New Innovation Initiative,” Nov. 6, 2009



Alliance for Global Sustainability, (an international university collaboration), annual meeting, “Structuring and Energy Technology Revolution,” Jan. 29, 2008

MIT Resource Development forum, “The Legislative Challenge to Universities,” Jan. 8, 2008

National Defense University, ICAF forum, “Bye Bye Sputnik”, March 7, 2008

National Academies of Science, STEP Board, presentation to Parliamentary Delegation from Germany, “The U.S. University and the Innovation System,” March 20, 2008

National Academies of Science, STEP Board, Workshop on the Commerce Dept. TIP Program, “The Technology Innovation Program – Understanding ‘Critical National Needs’ in New Technologies,” April 24, 2008

N.Y. Academy of Science and the Government of the City of Mexico, Science and Technology Innovation Week, Mexico, City, “Models for R&D and Innovation Organization,” Sept. 24, 2008

MIT Energy Advisory Board, Annual Meeting, “An Energy Technology Transformation? The Sorry State of Energy R&D,” October 17, 2008 

MIT Industrial Liaison Program, 2008 Annual MIT R&D Conference, “Federal R&D and the Health of the U.S. R&D/Innovation System,” October 28, 2008

National Academies of Science, Board on Life Science, “Organizing the Outreach for the Project on ‘A New Biology for the 21st Century,” Nov. 4, 2008

National Assoc. of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC), Annual Meeting, Chicago, plenary session, “Could a Strong Federal Energy R&D Program Restore the Health of U.S. University R&D?”  Nov. 10, 2008

Hawaii Energy Challenge 2008 – Planning Conference, Kona, Hawaii, keynote speech, “Energy Transformation? Where does our National Innovation System Stand?” Nov. 20, 2008

Mass Insight, US-China-India Conference, Boston, R&D Collaboration Across Nations – How Could It Work?” Dec. 12, 2008



American Assoc. for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, “The Global Technology Challenge verses Global Collaboration,” Feb. 18, 2007

National Defense University, ICAF Electronic Industry Study, “The Global innovation Challenge,” March 2, 2007 

House Science Committee (full committee hearing), Testimony on Establishing the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy, HR 364,” April 26, 2007

National Academies, Committee on Science Engineering and Public Policy, “Transformational Research Models – The ARPA-E Proposal,” May 10, 2007

Homeland Security Institute, “Homeland Security and the Connected Science Model,” June 4, 2007

Duke University’s Nicholas Institute, Symposium on Federal Climate Change Legislation, “A Technology Supply Side Approach to U.S. Energy Policy,” July 19, 2007

U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Presentation to the Commerce Science Fellows Program, “Innovation Organization”, Sept. 19, 2007

IEEE, Society on Social Implications of Technology, Boston Chapter, “Connected Science: Lessons from DARPA,” Sept. 24, 2007

CSIS and ASTRA, Forum on the State of US Competitiveness, Security and Science on the 50th Anniversary of the Sputnik Launch, “No More Sputnik: The Tripartite Alliance Fifty Years Later,” Oct. 4, 2007

Georgia Tech International Conference on Science Technology and Innovation, presentation (with Prof. Charles Weiss of Georgetown) on “Technology Supply and U.S. Energy Policy,” and Plenary Closing Talk on “Next Gen Innovation Policy,” October 19-20, 2007

Georgetown University, School of Foreign Service faculty seminar, “Expensive Energy is Not Enough” (with Prof. Charles Weiss, Georgetown), Nov. 15, 2007

MIT Center for Energy and the Environment Policy Research (CEEPR), Annual Workshop, “Demand and Supply – U.S. Energy/Climate Policy,” Dec. 6, 2007



National Academies of Sciences’ STEP Board and the Japan’s National Institute for Science and Technology, Conference on 21st Century Innovation, Tokyo, Japan, “Innovation Organization: Connected Science and the DARPA Model – Where is it Now?” Jan. 11, 2006,

Board of the Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth, Wash., D.C.,  “The Two Levels of Innovation and the Connected Science Model,” February 10, 2006

National Institute of Standards and Technology (Dept. of Commerce), ATP Seminar Series, “Innovation Organization – the Connected Science Model,” Feb. 13, 2006

Kauffman Foundation Annual Forum on Entrepreneurship, “The University and Innovation,” Feb. 26, 2006

American Association for the Advancement of Science, Congressional Visits Day, “The ’07 R&D Budget, The Long Term Budget Picture, and Innovation Legislation”, Wash., D.C., March 28, 2006

National Academy of Sciences’ Roundtable Talk, “The University and the Innovation System,” Wash., D.C., April 7, 2006

Stennis Congressional Fellows Program, Boston S&T meeting, The Evolution of the IT Revolution,” April 23, 2006

Sandia National Lab, Accelerating Engineering Summit, Albequerque, N.M., “The new Engineering: An Integration Model for Complex Systems,” June 1, 2006

Rueschlikon 2006 Conference on Information Policy, Zurich, Switz., “The Politics of the networked Economy,” June 17, 2006

Presentation to the State Secretary and Staff, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, “The Long-Term U.S. Budget Picture and Innovation Legislation,” Sept. 6, 2006

American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), Annual Federal Symposium, R&D, Implications: Pending Innovation Legislation,” Sept. 12, 2006

MIT Annual Alumni Leadership Conference, Boston (plenary session), “the Future of the Federally-Funded Research University,” Sept. 16, 2006

National Academies, Board on Science Education, program on Identifying and Developing Talent in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, “Measuring ‘STEM’ Success,” Sept. 26, 2006

IBM Conf. on Services, Science, Management and Engineering, Palisades Conf. Center, N.Y., “Government Research Support for the New Engineering,” Oct. 6, 2006

Materials Research Society (MRS), Fall National Meeting, Boston, “ The Innovation Role of the Federally Funded Research University.” Nov. 28, 2006


Details of Legislative Work, U.S. Senate:

Assisted several Committees and Senator Lieberman, on a wide range of legislative issues, including the bills (many of which became law or parts of laws) and acts listed below:


Environment and Conservation:

            Energy Security – Vehicle and Fuel Choices for America Act, S.2025 (2005) 

Climate Change Act (Lieberman-McCain cap and trade proposal), S. 1151 (2005), and prior bills dating back to 1991

            Pollution Prevention Act, S.761 (1992)

            The Lead Exposure Reduction Act, S.391 (1991)

            The Clean Air Act of 1990, S. 1630 (1990)

            Farmington Wild and Scenic River Act, S.1332 (1993)

            Riverfront Recapture (appropriation), S.2265, Sec. 811(c.10) (1992)

Conte Connecticut River National Fish and Wildlife Refuge Act, S.821 (1991)  Weir Farm National Historic Site, S.2059 (1990)

McKinney Nat’l Wildlife Refuge Expansion, S.2582 (1990)

Long Island Sound EPA Office, S.1178 (Part A Sec. 119) (1989)

Economic Growth:

National Innovation Act, S.2109 (2005)(incorporated into as the foundation legislation for the America COMPETES Act of 2007)

            National Nanotechnology R&D Act, P.L. 108-153 (2003)

            R&D Doubling Act, S. 2046 (2000), and predecessor bills such as S.1305 (1997)

            Individual Development Accounts, S.2023 (2000), and successor bills

            Enterprise Zone Act, S.1032 (1991)

            Stock Option Extension, S.2525 (1994)

Enterprise Capital Formation Act, S.368 (1993) 

Defense, Homeland Security, and Foreign Policy:

Rebuild the Army (increasing Army end-strength), S.1397 (2005)

      Intelligence Reform Act, P.L. 108-458 (2004)

      9/11 Commission Act, P.L. 107-306

            Homeland Security Dept. establishment, S.2452 (2002)

Establishment of DOD’s the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR),  S.Amend. 4156 to S.1745 (1996)

Joint Experimentation Force, H.R. 3616 Subtitle C to Title IX (Thurmond Def. Act) (1998), and successor laws

Network Centric Warfare capability, H.R. 4205, Sec. 934 (2000)

Kosovo Intervention by U.S. and NATO forces, S.Con.Res. 21 (2000)

NATO Enlargement Act, S.Con.Res. 5 (1997)

Iraq Liberation Act, H.R. 4655 (1998)

International Religious Freedom Act, H.R. 2431 (1998)

Bosnia Intervention, S.J.Res. 44 (1995), Bosnia Embargo Lift, S.21 (1995)

Gulf War Resolution, H.R. 2100, (1991)      

Numerous provisions on Defense innovation, R&D and advanced manufacturing     included in Defense Authorizing bills over the years

Government Reform:    

            e-Government Act, S.803 (2001)

            Congressional Accountability Act, S.2071 (1994)

Health and Social Programs:

            American Center for Cures, S2104 (2005)

            Bioshield 2, S. 975 (2005)

            Faircare Act (health care quality and disparities), S. 2594 (2004)

            Kidsave - part included in H.R. 2014 (1997) 

Federal Health Care Quality and Consumer Information Act, S.795 (1997) 


Technology Talent, S.1549 (2001) (incorporated into the subsequent NSF reauthorization)

The 3R Act (elements incorporated into the No Child Left Behind Act), S.303 (2001)

            Charter School Expansion Act, S. 1380 (1998)

            Federal Charter School Assistance, S.1513 (1994)


            Media and Children’s Ratings and Standards, S.2497 (2000)

            Parental Choice in Television Act (V-Chip), S.632 (1995)

            Video Game Rating Act, S.1823 (1994)


            Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA), P.L. 102-240 (1992)

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