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MITx Course - Policy for Science, Technology and Innovation - on edX -

Students will emerge from the course with a strong grasp of the fundamentals of innovation systems and the economic and technology development factors behind them, and with a clear framework to approach science and technology policymaking. They will understand the basics of innovation-based economic growth theory, and also take an in-depth look at the innovation systems in health and energy.

More specifically, students will develop an understanding of the following innovation policy areas:

  • The drivers behind science and technology support, including economic growth theory, direct and indirect innovation factors, Kondratiev innovation waves, innovation systems theory, the “valley of death” between research and late stage development, and public-private partnership models;

  • The organizing framework behind US science agencies, their missions and research organizational models, as well as the DARPA model as an alternative;

  • The competitiveness challenge in advanced production technologies, including global innovation models;

  • The organization of innovation at both the institutional and personal, face-to- face levels;

  • Challenges in the energy, computing and health innovation systems and also within legacy economic sectors in general;

  • Key issues in the science and engineering talent base and education system and pending employment and productivity issues.

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London: "Innovate to Success" Black Swan Conference

InBook Talk - ITIF on "Technological Innovation in Legacy Sectors"

Alan Bromley Memorial Lecture - 2012 -University of Ottawa - Advanced Manufacturing

ITIF Forum on Economic Doctrine and Energy Innovation - Panel (start 27:00)

Atlantic Council Forum - Panel on "The Entrepreneurial State"
(start 12:40]

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